ENGLISH VERSION: “DARPA’S failures are the ones that did not leave a foundation of good research” La periodista estadounidense Sharon Weinberger (San Francisco, 1972) es una de las mayores expertas en ciencia y seguridad nacional de su país. A finales del abril visitó Valencia invitada por la Institució Alfons el Magnànim para presentar su último libro, The […]
Tag Archives | DARPA
“DARPA’S failures are the ones that did not leave a foundation of good research”
Kristin Suleng, 21 junio, 2017
American journalist Sharon Weinberger (San Francisco, 1972) is one of the leading experts in science and national security in her country. At the end of April she visited Valencia invited by the Institution Alfons el Magnànim to launch her latest book, The Imagineers of War, on the history of the Agency for Advanced Research Projects […]